CoastWatch data distribution issues (update #1: 08 July 2024)

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Warning triangle about disruptions in data distribution

NOAA CoastWatch is working hard to restore data distribution due to failed hardware over the weekend of 29-30 June 2024.  An estimated time of return to service is not issued as many data stream 'landing zones' are affected.  Please check back on our website for additional updates.

Although many products had disruptions,  many have been restored.  Remaining affected products involve those with 'pub/socd3', 'pub/socd', 'pub0010', or 'pub0013' in the data path.  Updates on where these data will be re-located will be posted within this news item.

We apologize for the inconvenience and disruption to your workflows.


Update #1  08 July 2024:  There has been some progress in restoring data flows. Unfortunately, Coral Reef Watch SST data, and ocean color remain offline.   These streams will continue to be worked.  L3S ACSPO SST is partially restored.  Although datasets now appear in distribution,  these datasets may not contain all of the possible input data and therefore coverage or the number of observations may be affected.  Work continues to fully restore this product.  

The following have been restored: