The sea surface height team in NOAAâs Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry produces two experimental mesoscale eddy products:
- Multiparameter Eddy Significance Index (MESI)
- MUltiparameter NRT System for Tracking Eddies Retroactively (MUNSTER)
Data Access
Product Overview

The sea surface height team in NOAAâs Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry produces two experimental mesoscale eddy products:
- Multiparameter Eddy Significance Index (MESI): daily 0.25° x 0.25° global fields of the Multiparameter Eddy Significance Index (MESI), which incorporates Level-3 sea level anomalies (SLA) from NOAAâs LSA, along with Geo-polar sea surface temperatures (SSTs) from NOAA CoastWatch, gap-filled ocean color chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) from NOAA CoastWatch, and sea surface salinity (SSS) from NASAâs Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission.
- MUltiparameter NRT System for Tracking Eddies Retroactively (MUNSTER): daily mesoscale eddy properties, contours, and trajectories from version 1.0 of the MUltiparameter NRT System for Tracking Eddies Retroactively (MUNSTER). The MUNSTER product suite is based on the NRT sea level anomaly (SLA) fields produced by NOAAâs LSA, which are also available through NOAA CoastWatch. This product includes the MESI data as a gridded variable. Additionally, the suite will include files for:
- Daily mean mesoscale anticyclonic and cyclonic eddy properties, organized by eddy
- Weekly mesoscale anticyclonic and cyclonic eddy trajectories, organized by eddy
- Daily mesoscale anticyclonic and cyclonic eddy contours, organized by eddy
Multiparameter Eddy Significance Index (MESI)
MESI serves as a first look indicator of the potential impact a given mesoscale eddy may have on upper ocean dynamics, with potential implications for nutrient cycling, mixed layer dynamics, and fisheries. Further information about the applications and functions of MESI can be found in Roman-Stork et al., (2023).
MESI combines longitudinally normalized values of SLA, eddy kinetic energy derived from satellite altimetry, SST, SSS, and ocean color chlorophyll-a (Equation 1 below). SST and Chl-a data were regridded down to 0.25° x 0.25° from their original, higher resolutions in order to match the gridding of the coarser datasets. The absolute values of SST, SSS, Chl-a, and the log10 value of EKE were combined with the normalized value of SLA such that the polarity or sign of SLA is maintained. This format allows for all positive values of MESI to correspond to anticyclonic eddies, or positive SLA values, and all negative values of MESI to correspond to cyclonic eddies, or negative SLA values.
MESI = SLAnorm * abs(log10(EKEnorm)) * abs(SSTnorm) * abs(SSSnorm) * abs(Chlanorm)
MESI values greater than +/- 1 are considered to be âhighâ, and correspond to a high likelihood of a mesoscale eddy having a strong impact on the upper oceanâs circulation and nutrient cycling. MESI values less than +/- 1 are considered to be âlowâ, and are considered to have a low likelihood of having a mesoscale eddy significantly impact the upper oceanâs circulation.
Data Used
The SLA and EKE used for MESI were taken from the near real time (NRT) 0.25° x 0.25° Level-3 global fields produced by NOAAâs LSA and available from NOAA CoastWatch (found here; Scharoo et al., 2013). EKE was calculated from the geostrophic currents included with the SLA product, and a logarithmic value of this calculated EKE was used in the calculation of MESI. SST values used in MESI were taken from the NOAA CoastWatch Geo-Polar night SST product (found here; Maturi et al., 2017), and this high resolution dataset was regridded onto the 0.25° x 0.25° grid from the SLA and EKE values. Ocean color Chl-a values were obtained from the science quality MSL12 DINEOF gap-filled analysis available from NOAA CoastWatch (found here; Liu et al., 2019). Like SST, the Chl-a fields used in their calculation were of higher resolution and were regridded to 0.25° x 0.25° for this analysis. The SSS values used in MESI calculations were taken from NASAâs SMAP SSS from NASAâs Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) V5.0 product that used their Combined Active Passive (CAP) algorithm (original data obtained from PO.DAAC; Fore et al., 2016). SMAP SSS data were not regridded.
Contents of file
Global information:
Data source: Satellite data
Date: 2024/05/01 JD 122
Time: 00:00:00 UTC
Scene time: day/night
Projection type: mapped
Transform ident: noaa.coastwatch.util.trans.GeographicProjection
Map projection: Geographic
Map affine: 0 0.25 0.25 0 -179.88 -89.88
Spheroid: WGS 84
Origin: NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR)
Format: Java-NetCDF interface (netCDF-4 ucar.nc2.dataset.conv.CF1Convention)
Reader ident:
Variable information:
Variable Type Dimensions Units Scale Offset
mesi float 720x1440 - - -
time int 1 seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z - -
latitude float 720 degrees_north - -
longitude float 1440 degrees_east - -
MUltiparameter NRT System for Tracking Eddies Retroactively (MUNSTER)
MUltiparameter NRT System for Tracking Eddies Retroactively (MUNSTER) Algorithm MUNSTER uses an algorithm adapted from Chaigneau et al., (2008, 2009) and Peglaisco et al., (2015). It employs a closed contour method applied to the daily gridded NRT SLA fields produced by NOAAâs LSA. These fields are filtered prior to analysis using an asymmetric high-pass Gaussian filter with a 10° longitude, 20° latitude semi-width to remove planetary wave contamination. The closed contour method locally identifies maxima and minima within the filtered SLA fields with a contour interval of 0.1 cm, and the eddy edge is defined as the outermost closed contour around the identified eddy center such that at least 4 grid points are included within the contour. From this analysis, eddy amplitude, radius, area, and location are identified, and then multiple additional properties are calculated. Observations from SST, ocean color Chlorophyll-a, SSS, and MESIv1 are also collocated with the identified eddy.
Eddy trajectories are calculated using SLA fields such that eddy contours at time n and time n+1 are found to overlap. When no overlap is found, the eddy is considered to have dissipated. If multiple successive contours overlap with a given contour, a cost function is employed that uses amplitude, radius, and EKE to calculate splitting and merging events. The cost function seeks to minimize the result, and the contour with the smaller result is chosen (Pegliasco et al., 2015).
Eddy properties, or characteristics, are calculated as mean values of tracked variables across an eddy on a given day. The location of the eddy center and eddy centroid are provided along with a variety of properties, including eddy amplitude, radius, area, EKE, the Okubo-Weiss parameter, divergence, mean geostrophic currents, SST, SSS, Chl-a, and the Multiparameter Eddy Significance Index (MESI). More information about MESI can be found in Roman-Stork et al., (2023) or on its separate product page.
Data Used
The SLA and EKE used for MUNSTER were taken from the near real time (NRT) 0.25° x 0.25° Level-3 global fields produced by NOAAâs LSA and available from NOAA CoastWatch (found here; Scharoo et al., 2013). EKE was calculated from the geostrophic currents included with the SLA product, and a logarithmic value of this calculated EKE was used in the calculation of MESI. SST values used in MUNSTER were taken from the NOAA CoastWatch Geo-Polar night SST product (found here; Maturi et al., 2017), and this high resolution dataset was regridded onto the 0.25° x 0.25° grid from the SLA and EKE values. Ocean color Chl-a values were obtained from the science quality MSL12 DINEOF gap-filled analysis available from NOAA CoastWatch (found here; Liu et al., 2019). Like SST, the Chl-a fields used in their calculation were of higher resolution and were regridded to 0.25° x 0.25° for this analysis. The SSS values used in MUNSTER calculations were taken from NASAâs SMAP SSS from NASAâs Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) V5.0 product that used their Combined Active Passive (CAP) algorithm (original data obtained from PO.DAAC; Fore et al., 2016). SMAP SSS data were not regridded.
Products Daily mean mesoscale anticyclonic and cyclonic eddy properties, organized by eddy Weekly mesoscale anticyclonic and cyclonic eddy trajectories, organized by eddy Daily mesoscale anticyclonic and cyclonic eddy contours, organized by eddy
MUNSTER is a threshold-free product, and thus does not exclude low amplitude, or short-lived eddies from its analysis. This product suite is designed to be user-friendly and not require the download of multiple data products, such that numerous quantities used in mesoscale eddy analysis are already contained within the MUNSTER product suite and tracked along with each eddy, including amplitude, radius, are, eddy kinetic energy (EKE), sea surface temperature (SST), and sea surface salinity (SSS), and ocean color chlorophyll-a.
Products distributed by NOAA CoastWatch are divided into MUNSTER I and MUNSTER II datasets where:
- MUNSTER I: NetCDF datasets of daily gridded (2D) and 1D data. These datasets include the MESI data, eddy locations, and eddy properties and are described within this webpage.
- MUNSTER II: NetCDF datasets of multi-day eddy trajectories and inter-relationships. These datasets are in development and not distributed.
Variables stored within the datasets may be single or multi-dimensional. Where appropriate, gridded datasets are defined with Climate-Forecast (CF) Metadata conventions. Gridded data are interoperable with the CoastWatch Utilities:
Contents of file
Global information:
Data source: Satellite data
Date: 2024/05/30 JD 151
Time: 00:00:00 UTC
Scene time: day/night
Projection type: mapped
Transform ident: noaa.coastwatch.util.trans.GeographicProjection
Map projection: Geographic
Map affine: 0 0.25 0.25 0 -179.88 -59.88
Spheroid: WGS 84
Format: Java-NetCDF interface (netCDF-4 ucar.nc2.dataset.conv.CF1Convention)
Reader ident:
Variable information:
Variable Type Dimensions Units Scale Offset
mesi float 480x1440 - - -
Uinside_anti float 480x1440 m s-1 - -
Vinside_anti float 480x1440 m s-1 - -
Label_anti int 480x1440 - - -
Uinside_cyclo float 480x1440 m s-1 - -
Vinside_cyclo float 480x1440 m s-1 - -
Label_cyclo int 480x1440 - - -
time int 1 seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z - -
latitude float 480 degrees_north - -
longitude float 1440 degrees_east - -
Additional variables exist within the dataset pertaining to identified eddies. These eddies are defined as cyclonic or anticyclonic. Eddy attributes are assigned to the 1-D dimension:
num_anticyclones = 2530 ;
num_cyclones = 2517 ;
Variables (only cyclonic shown here) include:
float cyclonic_center_lon(num_cyclones) ;
cyclonic_center_lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
cyclonic_center_lon:valid_min = "-180.0" ;
cyclonic_center_lon:valid_max = "180.0" ;
cyclonic_center_lon:long_name = "longitude of geometric center of eddy" ;
float cyclonic_center_lat(num_cyclones) ;
cyclonic_center_lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
cyclonic_center_lat:valid_min = "-90.0" ;
cyclonic_center_lat:valid_max = "90.0" ;
cyclonic_center_lat:long_name = "latitude of geometric center of eddy" ;
float cyclonic_centroid_lon(num_cyclones) ;
float cyclonic_centroid_lat(num_cyclones) ;
float cyclonic_radius(num_cyclones) ;
cyclonic_radius:long_name = "equivalent radius of cyclonic eddies" ;
cyclonic_radius:units = "m" ;
float cyclonic_area(num_cyclones) ;
cyclonic_area:long_name = "area of cyclonic eddies" ;
cyclonic_area:units = "m2" ;
float cyclonic_amplitude(num_cyclones) ;
cyclonic_amplitude:long_name = "amplitude of cyclonic eddies" ;
cyclonic_amplitude:units = "m" ;
float cyclonic_mean_eke(num_cyclones) ;
cyclonic_mean_eke:long_name = "mean eddy kinetic energy" ;
cyclonic_mean_eke:units = "m2 s-2" ;
float cyclonic_mean_speed(num_cyclones) ;
cyclonic_mean_speed:standard_name = "sea_water_speed" ;
cyclonic_mean_speed:long_name = "mean eddy speed" ;
cyclonic_mean_speed:units = "m s-1" ;
float cyclonic_mean_vorticity(num_cyclones) ;
cyclonic_mean_vorticity:standard_name = "ocean_relative_vorticity" ;
cyclonic_mean_vorticity:long_name = "mean eddy vorticity" ;
cyclonic_mean_vorticity:units = "s-1" ;
float cyclonic_center_vorticity(num_cyclones) ;
cyclonic_center_vorticity:standard_name = "ocean_relative_vorticity" ;
cyclonic_center_vorticity:long_name = "vorticity at eddy center" ;
cyclonic_center_vorticity:units = "s-1" ;
float cyclonic_normalized_center_vorticity(num_cyclones) ;
cyclonic_normalized_center_vorticity:standard_name = "ocean_relative_vorticity" ;
cyclonic_normalized_center_vorticity:long_name = "normalized vorticity at eddy center" ;
cyclonic_normalized_center_vorticity:units = "s-1" ;
float cyclonic_mean_strain_rate(num_cyclones) ;
cyclonic_mean_strain_rate:long_name = "mean eddy straining deformation rate" ;
cyclonic_mean_strain_rate:units = "s-1" ;
float cyclonic_mean_shear_rate(num_cyclones) ;
cyclonic_mean_shear_rate:long_name = "mean eddy shearing deformation rate" ;
cyclonic_mean_shear_rate:units = "s-1" ;
float cyclonic_mean_ow(num_cyclones) ;
cyclonic_mean_ow:long_name = "mean eddy Okubo-Weiss parameter" ;
cyclonic_mean_ow:units = "s-1" ;
float cyclonic_mean_sst(num_cyclones) ;
cyclonic_mean_sst:standard_name = "sea_surface_temperature" ;
cyclonic_mean_sst:long_name = "mean eddy sea surface temperature" ;
cyclonic_mean_sst:units = "K" ;
float cyclonic_mean_sss(num_cyclones) ;
cyclonic_mean_sss:standard_name = "sea_surface_salinity" ;
cyclonic_mean_sss:long_name = "mean eddy sea surface salinity" ;
cyclonic_mean_sss:units = "psu" ;
float cyclonic_mean_chla(num_cyclones) ;
cyclonic_mean_chla:standard_name = "mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water" ;
cyclonic_mean_chla:long_name = "mean eddy chlorophyll-a concentration" ;
cyclonic_mean_chla:units = "mg m-2" ;
float cyclonic_mean_mesi(num_cyclones) ;
cyclonic_mean_mesi:long_name = "mean mesoscale eddy significance index" ;
int Nanti(time) ;
Nanti:long_name = "Number of Anticyclones" ;
int Ncyclo(time) ;
Ncyclo:long_name = "Number of Cyclones" ;
Product Details
Temporal Coverage |
Varied |
Product Families |
Ocean Currents
Sea Surface Height
Sea Surface Salinity
Sea Surface Temperature
Measurements |
Geostrophic Currents
Processing Levels |
Level 3
Level 4
Data Providers |
SST Team
Spatial Coverage
Description |
180W - 180E |
Description |
Altimetry reference mission |
Platform Type |
Low Earth Orbit Satellite (LEO)
Instruments | |
Organizations |
Orbital Altitude |
1336 km
Orbital Period |
112.4 minutes
Orbital Inclination |
Equatorial Crossing Times |
Description |
Synthetic aperture Radar Altimeter |
Platforms | |
Instrument Types |
Radar Altimeter
Organizations |
Multiparameter Eddy Significance Index (MESI)
Fore, A.G., Yueh, S.H., Tang, W., Stiles, B.W., Hayashi, A.K., 2016. Combined Active/Passive Retrievals of Ocean Vector Wind and Sea Surface Salinity With SMAP. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54, 7396â7404., X., Wang, M., 2019. Filling the gaps of missing data in the merged VIIRS SNPP/NOAA-20 ocean color product using the DINEOF method. Remote Sensing 11., E., Harris, A., Mittaz, J., Sapper, J., Wick, G., Zhu, X., Dash, P., Koner, P., 2017. A new high-resolution sea surface temperature blended analysis. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98, 1015â1026.
RomanâStork, H. L., Byrne, D. A., & Leuliette, E. W. (2023). MESI: a multiparameter eddy significance index. Earth and Space Science, 10(2), e2022EA002583.
Scharroo, R., Leuliette, E., Lillibridge, J., Byrne, D., Naeije, M., Mitchum, G., States, U., States, U., States, U., States, U., 2013. RADSâŻ: CONSISTENT MULTI-MISSION PRODUCTS 5â8.
MUltiparameter NRT System for Tracking Eddies Retroactively (MUNSTER)
Chaigneau, A., Eldin, G., Dewitte, B., 2009. Eddy activity in the four major upwelling systems from satellite altimetry (1992-2007). Progress in Oceanography 83, 117â123.
Chaigneau, A., Gizolme, A., Grados, C., 2008. Mesoscale eddies off Peru in altimeter records: Identification algorithms and eddy spatio-temporal patterns. Progress in Oceanography 79, 106â119.
Fore, A.G., Yueh, S.H., Tang, W., Stiles, B.W., Hayashi, A.K., 2016. Combined Active/Passive Retrievals of Ocean Vector Wind and Sea Surface Salinity With SMAP. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54, 7396â7404.
Liu, X., Wang, M., 2019. Filling the gaps of missing data in the merged VIIRS SNPP/NOAA-20 ocean color product using the DINEOF method. Remote Sensing 11.
Maturi, E., Harris, A., Mittaz, J., Sapper, J., Wick, G., Zhu, X., Dash, P., Koner, P., 2017. A new high-resolution sea surface temperature blended analysis. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98, 1015â1026.
Pegliasco, C., Chaigneau, A., Morrow, R., 2015. Main eddy vertical structures observed in the four major Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120, 6008â6033.